Feb. 6, 2023

A Tu B'Shvat Message: Don't Be Afraid to Prune!

A Tu B'Shvat Message: Don't Be Afraid to Prune!


My name is Elon, and as you probably can guess, I am a tree.

I was born a tree and will always be a tree, unless of course you humans decide to chop me down and turn me into printing paper. The nerve.

I do want to let you know, though, that although I will die if you chop me down, that's only if you chop me down entirely. But when you humans prune me, trim me, and cut away at the parts of me - the branches - that are withering, struggling and unattractive, it actually helps me promote new growth within myself!

I am able to dedicate more resources (water and nutrients) to other parts of me (the tree); hence, after trimming away the "bad stuff" you will notice that I (the tree) actually become more luscious and beautiful.

It is Tu B'Shvat, and after all, you humans are celebrating me and my extended family. If I can offer just a thought to you, it would be this:

Don't be afraid to prune those parts of you that are not so up to par. Have the confidence to trim away at those negative traits. And cut away those thoughts that are holding you back from becoming great in life.

When you take care of your "tree," you will see it will last longer, look a lot better, and produce the most amazing fruits!


Happy Tu Bshvat,
