
Sept. 16, 2021

A Reckless 8 MPH (Ha'azinu)

Did you know that the first person ever convicted of speeding was driving a whopping 8 mph?! According to the Guinness World Records, on January 28, 1896, an English man named Walter Arnold drove his ‘horse-less carriage’ through the vil…

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Aug. 19, 2021

The Burj Khalifa (Ki Seitzei)

Is it possible to visit the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty, and the Burj Khalifa all in one day? Of course not, right? Wrong! It is possible. All you have to do is take 3 steps back and 3 steps forward and start the silent Shemoneh Esrei…

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Aug. 12, 2021

Hashem's Candy (Shoftim)

Be honest, somewhere in your house there is a mysterious light switch that you have no idea what it connects to. Don’t worry, you are not alone. I am almost positive that every house that ever existed has one of these light switches that does …

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Aug. 5, 2021

Bigger than a Rhino (Re'eh)

On a recent visit to the local Baltimore Zoo, there was one particular incident that stuck out to me. I was watching the gigantic rhinoceroses when a young girl standing nearby proclaimed: “Oh my gosh, the rhino is bigger than my father!&rdquo…

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July 29, 2021

A Woodchuck Chuck's (Ekev)

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Is there anyone who has not heard this question before? But what is the actual answer? According to, New York state wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woo…

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July 22, 2021

The Tom Brady Interview (Vaeschanan)

Several years ago, a reporter sat down with Tom Brady – legendary NFL quarterback - and asked him the following: “So Tom, you probably are extremely happy, you have everything anyone could ever dream about, is that right?” This int…

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July 15, 2021

Championship Merch (Devarim)

So, there you are, watching the NFL Super Bowl, the MLB World Series, the NHL Stanley Cup, or the NBA Finals, and as soon as the clock turns to 0:00, the game is over and only one team wins. Have you ever noticed that within seconds, the players and…

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July 8, 2021

The Harvard of All Countries (Matos/Masei)

Bob and Tom were best of friends. They did everything together. Whether it was elementary school, middle school, or high school, Bob and Tom always made sure that they were in the same class. When it became time to apply to colleges, both Bob and To…

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July 1, 2021

I’m a “Yisroel” and Proud (Pinchas)

Let’s just face it. Kohanim and Leviim have a certain level of pride that the regular Yisroelim – myself included – just don’t have. There is a certain uniqueness to them. That’s just the way it is. I always wonder what…

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June 25, 2021

The Stressful Kitchen Fan (Balak)

I don’t know about you, but the most stressful times in my house are always when the kitchen fan happens to be on. What is it about that annoying sound that makes it so irritating? Mark Andrews, author for Scientific American, writes the foll…

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